Help, engraving text onto game pieces!

Nice writeup! I can see the value in a “forgiving” type jig. It becomes more versatile that way.

The main difference from the steps I wrote up is just to make the holes larger and align in the bottom left of each hole? Am I getting that right or am I missing something else in your writeup?

That will certainly allow for a bit more leeway in blocks that might be slightly different sizes.

Yeah we’re very similar. I enjoyed reading your description of your workflow, I think it’s interesting to see the small differences in how we tackle it — I lean on guides and cloning/arranging tools, but often work destructively in one layer. I feel like a lot of times I take the inefficient route, someday I hope someone says “dude you are doing it all wrong” and sets me right. :slight_smile:

It’s also funny, I’m talking a big talk about jigging up a ton of blocks at once… in reality I’d probably do 8 or so at a time. That way if I screw something up in the ui or alignment or something I don’t wreck too many. :slight_smile:

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