House critters

Continuing the discussion from Outside smell:

I appreciate that you put that much effort in to give Albert a couple more years. I imagine he felt the same way.

Here’s one of our house critters. A long-eared chinchila, @Clone! They’re called chinchila rabbits and have fur quite a bit softer than other rabbits. The rabbit in the original linked posed was 14 pounds or so. Our miniatures are way under 10. He’s very timid compared to our first rabbit. He won’t leave the carpet. Our first rabbit would run right out the front door. He lives in our living room with his cage door open. He wasn’t so sure about this new addition in our living room in this picture. He’s under the tree now, though.


Berta is the giant chinchilla, Colby is her new bf after loosing albert it took 7 months to find her someone she was compatible with. Just took this 30 sec ago
before loosening albert she was 13.5lb she is 11.4 right now. we are assuming the weight loose was depression from being alone but vet is not quite sure she is loosing 1/10th a pound a week. could be she’s getting old and arthritis given her size

yes I have observed that the giants are more dog like. and yes the end of the carpet is a invisible wall


Those are some adorably cute bunnies! :grin: :rabbit2::squeeee:

(@clone …did the vet check her renal function? They do a complete blood work up and measure the urea and creatinine levels, then might prescribe some therapies.)


Is that a thing amongst rabbits? I had a co-worker who had 2 rabbits who also needed little mats to cross a hallway. The hall was wood but two rooms were carpet. They refused to step foot on the wood.


Not all rabbits. Our first one was a mini lion head named Fluffy. We got her as a kitten and she was fearless. Luther, the above rabbit, we got at 2 years old and think his world was his cage and people’s laps before he came to us.

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Yes kidney and liver numbers are fine

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Question about rabbits. Can the be potty trained? or do you just clean up after them constantly?

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It’s worse than that. They use coprophagia to process their food for better nutrient extraction so you kind of have to leave them access to the first poop. It’s sort of like chewing the cud, just lower down the GI tract…


Kinda like Hobbits in a fecal sort of way.
1st breakfast
2nd breakfast.


I don’t know about train per se, but they often pick the same spot to go. You can kinda help them pick a spot. Put out a litter box in a spot they like and put any strays turds in it. Then move it a little at a time if you want it somewhere else. I think people do that with cats, too. We usually only have to focus on cleaning the litter box in her cage and only occasionally the whole cage has to get done. They can poop a lot and no matter what you’ll be cleaning up stray turds. They’re not the same kind of gross as other animal poop, though.


they use a litter box like cats. Colby is very good, berta was great but as she gets older she poops in her sleep. rabbit poo is not big deal just sweep it up. the doe eat there cecotrops right out fresh o yum.


Quick Question… Is there anything you don’t know? :slight_smile:


found out today her problem one of her vertebra is supplicated (via x-ray). got called up to bring her in for a cat or MRI to confirm stability and severity (cage confident for 6 weeks or surgery) at 2PM got there on time come around 6:30 they sent me on my way no scans taken told me to come back Thursday I’m PISSED

maybe @henryhbk can explain better (yes it vet but maybe there is some parallels for to shed light on ?

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Am I the only one who thinks a cat undergoing a CAT scan should be the subject of a Far Side cartoon?

The care we give our pets can be amazing - we used to have to do twice daily insulin shots for our pug. But he was family and that’s what family does.


berta is a bunny

Sorry about that…sentiment’s the same though.

Our kids would never name any rabbit anything but “Bunny Frou Frou” (which did help keep the population down a bit - can’t have too many Bunny Frou Frous around at once or it gets confusing).


Well funny you should mention that. In my house two of us do CAT scans. I do Computerized Axial Tomography on people while my wife actually scans cats!


So I know very little about rabbits (other than we have one living under our deck that occasionally digs a hole in my lawn). My wife is a vet though, she says vertebral subluxation has a pretty poor prognosis in rabbits. Often caused by kicking out rapidly, it often can cause pretty serious neurologic damage. She is not an exotics vet, so doesn’t work on rabbits, but she says not many people do spinal surgery on rabbits (the outcome isn’t awesome in people either a lot of the time).


This is Arigato.
She was my girlfriend & her sister’s first cat, and spent nine years being a happy little Boulder kitty, before unknown neurological issues took away her vision, balance, and appetite.
She was put down this afternoon.


Sympathies to your girlfriend @jbv for her loss.