How to book on laser cutting

So speaking of Github (later in this thread) - the outline you created here is a good one and collaborating on this in Github would be a very easy way to get comments from a broad audience, track those and integrate the ones that fit.

Saw that someone set this up already - my only caution would be that @dan and team probably want to make sure they are coordinating these efforts to reduce the risk of multiple overlapping attempts at this happening purely based on enthusiasm to get things rolling from what is clearly showing itself to be a community of humans I am really looking forward to engaging with and seeing what awesome things get created!

Wellā€¦ new to GitHub, but I have used Tortoise SVN on a couple of projects in the past. Very comfortable with using it. And apparently SVN is compatible with GitHub. So, anyone in a similar position as myself, where you already know SVN and may not have the time to pick up Git (though it does claim to only take 15-20 minutes)ā€¦ here is an option.

Jacob, SVN is dead, as inā€¦ dead (I hope you got the reference) :smile: - Git is all there is now, and its the best thing ever. Thereā€™s even a desktop client! Quite easy to use.

You damn kids, get off my lawn!

Did not know SVN was out, and sadly do not get the reference (probably will kick myself if you explain it later thoughā€¦)

The projects I had used SVN on were quite a while ago (major one was Civ 4 modding). Lately I use a local repo for my own book writing though. It is handy for me.

If only we knew when aaahhhhhhh! :slight_smile:

SVN was a blessing back in '05. Since then there was bazaar and mercurial and both of these are dead-ish as well. Generally speaking centralized source control is dead. Anyways. The reference is from Pulp Fiction.

Well, I donā€™t feel so bad for missing the reference then. I have seen it, but only once. And it isnā€™t the kind of movie you see just once and get everything.

Iā€™ve created my Github account and cloned the Glowforge Manual repository. Thanks @greg_golin for the assistance and leadership. Now to figure out how to edit. It might make sense to look at the outline and firm that up a bit so that we can ensure that we can account for as much as possible. From my understanding, there are conversations that happen within the Github interface that allows for discussion of features and content before implementing it. So we donā€™t talk about content here (the first rule of the club, always) but in the stream itself.

Awesome. The start-here repo also lists a couple of data points regarding communication, please take a look.