How to get support to respond

My entire support experience was via email, so it appears to be variable.

I mean it was over the course of days, so I’m sure people are on different work schedules, maybe it was unlucky timing. I don’t mind multiple techs, but the 24 hour response time was ridiculous.

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I have only have a couple of “cases” so it’s likely my experience is not typical.

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I applied for a product manager position a long time ago, and got a quick and polite “lol no” response… and I wasn’t even a jerk on the forum back then! In retrospect, it’s better this way. I want things that are simply not The Glowforge Way. It would probably be frustrating.

Anyway, when contacting support, it’s best to write your note on Proofgrade leather and bury it in the center of a fairy circle. Support will reply to you within a fortnight. That’s how I have always done it, anyway.


Dang and here I was burning a small pile of scraps and leaving a saucer of milk in the moonlight.

Wrong ritual, gets me every time.


That will work but only if it is goat milk!

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Well they sent the invoice at 11pm last night and I paid a lot for overnight shipping. I’m really hoping they mail it soon. Seems like it would be a waste to pay for overnight and wait a week to get it.

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I have emailed and did forum chat and still have not received part of my order. Oh I am wrong I got an email stating they read my complaint and will get looking into it…But still no material I paid for. 3 weeks ago.

The bests leadership teams hire employees that will challenge them on sensitive or highly debated topics and will listen, adapt, and provided truthful answers while working towards a better solution for everyone.

If GF only hires people that fit the GF way, they will fail.

Hi @shunamanda,

I apologize for the delay and difficulty getting this spare part out to you. Thankfully it appears your order has now been delivered! Since this is resolved, I’m going to close this thread.