How to mask non proof grade wood or materials

Great video, thanks. I use a roller from my graphic arts days (long, long ago). It’s more of a skill than art.


Got to love the days of Manual paste-Up!


I handset hard type. We used a bang press for invitations, etc. I learned to read upside down and backwards. Best skill I ever learned. Read a desk when you’re sitting in front of it :slight_smile:


I would have loved that! LOL I spent hours lining up crop marks and seps on acetate. Wax on Peel off. LOL

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I learned that cuz the parents always got the comics first, so I’d read the page after they’d let the fold flop over :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d like to make two suggestions:

First, when squeegeeing the paper, start from the middle center and work toward the front, then middle center to the back, followed by middle center to the right, and then the left. Then radiate out from the center to the corners. This helps prevent bubbles.

Second, you could buy a tape dispenser, but you have a frickin’ laser :wink:


What type of tape do you use?

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There are a bunch of different brands/sizes available, but in general the medium tack versions will do what you’re looking for.
I have this one:


I use that same type.

Be careful, the pricing on that is really high.

I tend to get mine for about $35 for 300 square feet at signwarehouse.

The one that was linked comes out to $0.43 /square foot, sign warehouse is about $0.12/square foot.

There’s a whole thread about pricing here:

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Sadly cheapest overall sometimes doesn’t fit into the budget today

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If you own a $4,000-$6,000 laser cutter, $20 shouldn’t break the budget. On the other hand, it goes both ways, who cares about getting the rock-bottom cheapest material when we are all wealthy enough to have a glowforge?

That being said, my New England upbringing insists that I go for the cheapest longhaul cost, so here we are, with me worrying about pennies per square foot. :wink:


I understand where you are coming from, however being a Ghet-Tech myself, I bought a :glowforge: instead of a gold chain or new car. It still was a major expense that required some adjustments. I’m sure I will get a return but it just was too cool and a great price at the time.

Then Maria hit. More adjustments so some priorities had to change. All of us are blessed to be able to take advantage of :glowforge:, but for many reasons :slight_smile:

And yes I comparison shop because I refuse to over pay :smiley:

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i had made one. haha


I got my tape from here.

i got trhe 12" x 100 yds.



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Thanks for the video. My wife and I are new to Glowforge (Day 2) and I’m looking to try different materials/tips. This tape will allow us to use plywood/hardwood thats not Proofgrade to cut or engrave? We have the basic and are really excited.

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Yep, it just prevents residue from getting on the wood. Feel free to check out my other videos on YouTube for tips and tricks if you’re new.

I’m new to glowforge. Day 2 to be exact. Do you need to put tape on wood before cutting? The wood I’m using is Birch.

You don’t have to - what the masking does it make is so you don’t get smoke stains on the surface of the wood. Personally about 80% of the time I love the smoke stains, but without them things do look cleaner/newer, so it’s a style question. That being said, if what you’re engraving has lots of subtle details (any photograph) you definitely want to remove the masking or the details will be wiped off when you pull off the masking.

If you get PG wood it comes pre-masked. Otherwise you can buy paper masking all over the web, including Amazon.

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