This looks so close to the ancient sculpture it is uncanny! Great job!
Very nice likeness, I like yours best. Anxious to see more of your work.
Wow! That is a cool project! Love the inspiration you used to create the GF project. Great stuff!
An epic first project!
Are you working on a companion bull?
Wow! Really nice. It looks extremely complex.
Welcome! This looks amazing and I can’t wait to see what else you post I in the future!
It definitely gave me a headache or two. I’m not used to thinking in 3D!
Not yet, but I will eventually.
I’m planning the Anzu bird too, and maybe Pazuzu if I can find good source material.
Because of your post, my ears perked up when this story was on NPR today
Yes!! The Hobby Lobby relationship with cuneiform artifacts is long, fascinating, and pretty much illegal from start to finish I’m so glad that tablet is going home.
Absolutely love this! Maybe don’t adjust the height of the eyebrows as much as the contour. You can always put the image below your vector, turn down the opacity and trace a bit. It’s a really good run though! If I never saw the original I’d never know there was room for improvement aside from printing on a harder wood.
Thank you!!
I did consider contouring the eyebrows but essentially got too impatient and wanted to just print the design already I’m taking another crack at it, adding contoured eyebrows and trying to take a layer or two out - mainly to make it more cost-effective from a sales point of view.
I don’t know if it’s considered spamming to post multiple threads of modified designs, so I’m adding the updated version here!
This time it’s just in cardboard because we had some lying around, and it’s more cost-effective than MDF. I have 1/8 cedar for the final product, which I’m going to do this week - I’m excited!
Just some small changes here. I engraved the space inside the mouth and ears, and the eyes, to add a little more depth without adding another sheet and thus making it even thicker. The eyebrows are contoured as well, and the design as a whole was condensed down to 9 sheets instead of 11. I’m really pleased with how it’s looking, and I think the changes were a good choice!