Hummingbird for me

First thing always check thickness with calipers. I bought some so called 1/4” BB ply from HD to make a hummingbird pattern I bought from MakeCNC. I ran it at PG maple reduced speed to 150. I cut all the pieces and then I realized that something was off when doing a test assembly. The B.B. MEASURED ONLY 0.20 and not 0.25. I was able to modify some to make it work, mostly changing the wing angle for better glue up. I was pleased with the results.


Nicely done! You have some talent.

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I bought what is probably that same ply from HD a couple months ago and it works really well but yeah, it is nowhere near .25" Mine was actually even worse than yours. It was more like .18 so like 3/16"

Great hummingbird by the way, it looks really nice!

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Oh lovely! We used to have a garden club whose mascot was a hummingbird here in the neighborhood…that would have been a great decoration for some of the wild bashes we threw. (We did frequent theme parties - very little gardening.) :smile:

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This is wonderful! Get’s me motivated, thanks for sharing:star_struck:

Your hummingbird turned out lovely.

Wood is never what it says, and that’s the way it rolls … so, calipers are very important.


Ok… quick honey…what’s that on tv? (Nothing to see here!) I can’t spend all my stash on these for her mom’s flower window. :innocent:

Gorgeous piece, and a good save!

Use a lot of the Home Depot inexpensive plywood … use the simple mathematical formula to adjust the design. Something like this:

.108 / .125 = X / 100 … which when solved for X becomes about 82. So in Inkscape I scale the project to 82% of the original dimensions. Add or subtract a bit of fudge factor for the tightness of the joints and VIOLA!!

Ditto on the Calipers :glowforge::sunglasses: