I know this is elementary for y’all but it is a big deal for me! I downloaded some free earring designs, and like them a lot, but the fleurs de lis were upside down. The nerve! I tried to move the holes for earring hardware in AI but got frustrated quickly. I moved to Inkscape and figured it out in mere minutes. I am so proud of myself! I moved the tiny little holes to the correct spot so the fleurs de lis (plural of fleur de lis) will be right side up when I print them! Happy dancing over here!
Yes, I know, you could do that when you were 10. Well, maybe not 10. But my nearing retirement brain did it!!!
Oh, it’s a thrill when you learn to speak the language (design software) of your laser! I get as big a charge out of that (learning quicker more efficient workflows) as I do from what I make.
That’s fantastic! To me it’s not just about the skills you have, but whether or not you’re willing to struggle uphill to learn new ones. Kudos for sticking it out! Also, that’s not cool about the fleurs de lis!
I love it! Thank you for making this newbie feel not so inadequate. And kudos to you for figuring it out! That is the best feeling. Can’t wait to see pics!
One thing I have found working with computers that one thing you do not know can make an impassable mountain, but as soon as you know it, it becomes less than a molehill. This is different from most things that knowing is only the first step, and even out of practice can take a long time to build back.