Mine was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K - my older brother’s.

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this was still in the commodore 64 era. while i was driving those trucks, i had a commodore 64 with a tape drive. and we also got a new state-of-the-art Apple II-e with a laser disc drive to house map data for us. it was all encased in a huge green steel box.

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I had that datasette unit and used to love listening to the saved files on my Realistic tape player… I liked to listen to music a LOT in the 1980s and so it was plugged in so it would turn on automatically when I flipped the bathroom light switch. I left my datasette drive in the tape player once and got in so much trouble when my mom used the bathroom… it scared the daylights out of her. Ha.


A treat for you:

An 80’s video playlist on YouTube


Ooooh thank you. You nailed my era. Haha.

…AND returning to topic,

I built a current sensing switch with one of These you run the hot wire thru it, so it can sense power flow, (there is an adjustment on it to tweak) and it closes a ‘switch’ (max 0.5Amp @110v)

PERFECT for a fan control… As long as GF is “ON” fan is “on”
Turn off GF, fan goes off…


BINGO! :sunglasses:


Mothership, we have need of a reconditioning….:flying_saucer:

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