Gaaaahhhhh…Sitting here staring at half a dozen partially completed designs, and I’m having trouble getting motivated to finish them…too many interruptions, too many thoughts jumping around my poor brain pan like crickets on speed.
So what are your best tricks to relax and focus? (I’m open to suggestions that preferably do not involve alcohol, since that just makes me sleepy.)
Anybody got any great techniques that they swear by?
Amen to that! Our A/C downstairs has been out for a couple weeks (we’re planning to replace it soon so trying to hold out until after Christmas.) How cool is it gonna get?
but really what I do as @hansena says, put some upbeat music (without lyric) at max volume this will keep you awake and with energy and wont let you think in anything else.
And also as @hansena told you, and maybe some think this is just for water bottle commercials , but drinking water helps a lot because we are sometimes really just dehydrated.
I was literally typing up a similar post earlier today. I have a lot of things that I would like to design, but am having trouble coming up with interesting/creative takes on them as opposed to copying something from Google Images!
Okay, here’s what the problem is: you are having trouble focusing because you don’t have what you need in hand to make the design a reality. So my suggestion is, choose one of your partially completed designs and take it to completion with the goal of making the item by some other non-Glowforge method. Like making one of your box designs out of cardboard (or, better, foamboard). You’ll have to use primitive tools like rulers and razor blades, but taking the project to completion will give you a feeling of accomplishment; and you might learn things that will translate to when you have the laser.