I wonder if this will be available in proof grade?

It looks pretty plus you can just vent the exhaust into the room and play “Dark Side of the Moon” all night long.


I’d buy it. It looks like an interesting grain.


And get high on the plastic binder? They would strip the THC out and sell that to the vapers.

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Very little THC, mostly CBD, which sells well also.

I asked them about thin stock and an MSDS, we’ll see what they say.

They offer free samples of flooring planks but it’s on a thick backing so that’s a no go.

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anything grown as HEMP, has practically ZERO THC in it.


There is a display in FIU of plywood made from sugarcane leaves, used whole, that is fantastic, but looking apparently it went nowhere, perhaps too labor intensive.

Doesn’t seem to be on boing boing site. Just looked and did a search. Nada

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