Leave me out of the blanket ‘we’ statements mate, I belong to the non tinfoil-hat brigade.
This is a good point. We didn’t invest in Glowforge as a company, we invested in our own company.
Opps my bad on the Kickstarter sorry, but it is still giving money to a company which does not have a real product which is a risk which you have to weigh. If you cannot handle that risk or afford to tie up your money get your refund and move along til the product is/if finally released and buy it then. If you planned a business around a product that does not exist especially one as technical as this not much sympathy here for you.
I think especially the people that are brave enough to take such a risk, because they see an opportunity to establish a business, deserve our sympathy. They definitely have mine! Sometimes you have to be early to be successful.
So please, don’t look down on people that are “stupid” enough to take a chance. If you are lucky enough to have that money laying around and buying a glowforge just for fun. Great! Be grateful! I also will not starve, because of this delay. But I am reading stories about people in this forum that are not so lucky. And some of those stories really make me sad. I wish those people all the best and they have my deepest respect.
I don’t mean to affront you @watjep or anybody. I am just not sure what you mean when you say “…not much sympathy here…” . I read just a lot of comments that are judging the decisions of other people quite harsh.
All the best.
I backed a kickstarter project.
It just wasn’t a laser cutter.
It was a game.
With robots.
And turtles.
Just to be clear, you want the company that is busy trying to solve problems to get you your product… to stop doing that, and take the time to be audited. That way they prove to you that the product that is delayed is real, and is now more delayed?
If that’s the case I vote that an audit of the auditors be done as well. How can we be sure the auditors are real and not simply being paid by glowforge under the table. I will need video proof of at least 3 auditors in the same frame doing auditor things, with no less than 4 auditors auditing the original auditors.
Then and only then will I feel safe to let glowforge hold the money that they have stated multiple times they will happily return at any moment. As we all know scammers are well known for their simple refund policies.
Arthur, thanks for taking the time to write. For better or for worse, we’ve decided to focus our efforts on delivering, rather than activities such as these that, while confidence-building, would take time away from building the product. I understand if that means you don’t have the confidence to wait any longer for your Glowforge.
No affront but that is my view. It maybe harsh but if you bet your financial lively hood by creating a business around an unfinished/untested prototype with an unrealistic release date you won’t get any sympathy from me if you lose money. For instance would you feel any sympathy for me if I invested all my money directly in GF and they failed to produce and I lost it all?
Hi watjep. Actually I would, if you trying to support something you believe in. Why should I be happy about somebody losing money? I mean, you a not trying to do something bad.
Would you say irresponsibly losing your money is bad? I am not going to feel happy about someones irresponsible financial loss vice versa I am not going to feel sad for them.
Saying we invested into Glowforge is like saying I invested in Sony because I bought a PS4. Of course the big difference there is that Sony charges us full price and Glowforge didn’t…
I’ve thought about it all weekend and come to the conclusion that we do need an independent audit of GF headquartes and product. Therefore, I have magnanimously volunteered to conduct said audit. Upon arrival in Seattle I expect a full tour of all facilities as well as a working prototype to take and examine ( thoroughly) at my leisure. I will then post my report in 8 months. That is all…
OH… and some Proofgrade® - I think that may need to be audited as well…
Don’t forget the 1st class round trip tickets (for the first trip and follow up inspections), 5 Star hotel (all amenities included), limo rides to and from airports and hotels and oh yes, income loss compensation for time off of work…
I ought to get comped for all the time I’ve spent here the past few days instead of working
You shouldn’t lessen the judiciousness of your audit. Isn’t there a distillery or brewery next door? Best make sure there are no corporate spies there and their products are sufficient for slaking the thirst of a glowforge employee adequately. Can’t have dehydration preventing a successful delivery.
Also better double check the elevator inspection certificates. Many sorry on that long past experience to the glowforge team.