Inkscape 1.0 Beta

Here is some documentation on Hershey text 3.0

Coo[quote=“stoli, post:21, topic:47038”]
Here is some documentation on Hershey text 3.0

Cool, didn’t realise it was the same guys. SVG fonts could be a real, huge benefit - might need to find a OTF to SVG font convertor.

Super Cool!!!

The font was converted using an online convertor from Windows OTF to an SVG font.
Then just picked the text in Inkscape, select Hershey Text
Select “Other” as font, and enter the file path to the SVG font - click apply.

Done!!! Single path outlined just like that!

I’m assuming that it will be possible to add your SVG fonts to the font list already provided.


Some using this Beta on Catalina noticed a bug with permissions saving and opening files. this was promptly addressed and fixed. After the update I also noticed Inkscape now opens very quick … about 3 seconds. This native app rocks!

If you want to test this version … it can be downloaded here:


I have not had much luck with it on Mojave, which is disappointing, but as it’s free, can’t really expect much sympathy.

No way I can update OS, have several critical apps that would no longer work.

I wonder when they’ll release it for real…