Hey Greetings, I am having difficulty with inkscape sooooo frustrated, for two days I can not use ellipes function. When I drag cursor little circles and squares appear instead of a circle. I tried to delete it but it reappears, I redownload inkscape and problem was still there. I clicked something wrong and can not figure out what I did. Help me please!
Sounds to me like your fill and stroke are blank. Select it all and then add a fill.
You might also have it set to do a partial arc, which can be very small. Up in the upper right ensure that the circle icon is clicked.
(arc options in the upper right of this image. Ensure the full circle is selected on the right)
Those squares are markers for where the circles will be through I would check what color and thickness the line is or the fill if any are white on a white background or zero thickness you cannot see them
Yeah I was able to reproduce your issue.
Turn on your stroke and you’ll see you have a 90 degree arc, not a circle.
Click the full circle button, and the whole ellipse is now visible:
Lots more context:
Thank you so much thank you
Thank you sooo much
Thank you so much!
3 days ago I was so frustrated but thanks to the community I have created a keychain. It may not mean anything to you but it’s means all to me. I transferred text into strokes and made cut line. So excited for wants to come. Thanks again!
Looks great!
Congratulations! Sometimes the smallest step leads to a great journey, and you will be designing and producing things more satisfying than this keychain as days go by. This forum, as you have already discovered, is full of talented people ready to help.
I still remember my first “from scratch” laser project (similar rectangular keychain in fact). It was so maxing that what was on my computer screen was now in my hand. I felt like jumping up & down I ran inside and showed everyone in the family. Then I dragged a couple of them to the garage to see it do it again
I still get that way when I do something new - technique or material
I don’t get that feeling managing a team of computer programmers.
Enjoy yourself. It’s great.
Exactly! I went a string of decades before this laser reminded me what a child feels on Christmas day.
Thanks for your help everyone!
@pjstyle924 I’m glad everything worked out, and your keychain looks great!
I’m going to close this thread - If you run into any other troubles please open a new thread, or email us at support@glowforge.com and we’ll be happy to help!