Interesting order of ops

For all rows of this job, the GF did each engrave separately. But for this row, only this row, yet not this entire row, it decided to do 5 engraves in one swipe (but skipped the 6th item on the far left).

It also did six letters on 20 objects, five letters on the next one, six on the next 20 objects, then came back to finish the one letter it had skipped before.

Sometimes it’s just so odd how it chooses to do jobs. :slight_smile:

45 duplicate objects in Inkscape
All 45 engraves were step 1
Steps 2-4 were cuts


You could look at the order of things in the SVG file. I suspect there’s a correlation.


I suspect you are right. I don’t understand ‘the order’ of things in an SVG, or the motion planning but when I did those 1000 token jobs it would go sequentially but skip a group of two here and three there and come back at the end to finish them. Sheet after sheet of material, same pattern.
The machine does just what it’s told to, but exactly what’s doing the talking eludes me.


It should be possible to write a program to optimize it.

To just understand how it was determined would be helpful.

I’m not positive, but might it have to do with how things in the svg are grouped or in what order they’re copy-pasted, assuming the svg retains that info? When I work, I group things and combine things all willy nilly. Sometimes groupings on top of groupings. Ive been wondering how that might affect the glowforge.

When I cut things with my silhouette machine, it doesnt seem to follow any of that ordering, so maybe glowforge doesn’t either?

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That’s an accurate description of my design process! :wink:


In Inkscape I’ve played around with that theory before, testing grouping, larger grouping, combining, breaking apart, copy paste, moving objects around and individual object creations, . Even to making a square by drawing it out with the line too to see if it cut in the same order. Perhaps I wasn’t methodical enough in my testing routine, but I couldn’t quite figure out all the steps that going into reading and SVG and planning the motion. My latest project in doing a full bed of tiles makes me want to test some things again. In the end, I found that the timing of things didn’t matter too much to me when dealing with vector engraves and definitely not with cuts/scores.


Sweet! Thanks for sharing. I was wondering if I would maybe have to “break part” all my groupings and mergings and whatever other nonsense I do.

I have to say the GF is at least more apparently logical than some 3D printers I’ve used, where the program that generates the path ostensibly figures out how much heat is in the just-solidified plastic and occasionally moves somewhere else to let particularly dense areas cool off.