Introducing Snapmark (September 2018)

Well, money where my mouth is. This showed up in my workshop today

And I still have snapmarks on my glowforge so it stays to do all the cutting for printed items. It will probably never engrave anything again though


You are not the only one!!! I have a large stack of business cards to engrave coming up and that would make life SO MUCH easier — plus the potential of a lot of one off customizations on a basic design that would really cut down on the labor portion of producing items!!

Pick me! @dan

Congratulations. Which one did you get?

Mini 24, 40watt. Was used and came with the rotary and suction table at a price I couldn’t turn down. I got a few large engraving jobs and hated my life after spending 10hours doing them. So that plus being able to do rotary sealed the deal.


have the tool, cant dl the template!? I can see the page, and ONE snapmark, but unable to DL. Tried on Chrome, safari and ff…

Just right click and select “save as…” – it’s an SVG file, which the browser sees as an image.

Tried that. :frowning: no save as option.

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This may help:

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THIS is where you save from…right click on the word ‘template’ and you will see the options;

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Don’t click on it. Right click on the link to the template and select “save link” for some ungodly reason. It will give you the option to save it as an svg or something else. Save as svg.

Edit: what @jbmanning5 said :slight_smile:

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You left clicked on it. Go back to the link that took you to that screen, and instead of left clicking on it, RIGHT click on it.

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If all of your cuts are outside the area, you can’t start. If some are out, you can. It enables the scenario of moving stuff on and off the active area as you cut different pieces. It may also enable some confusion - that’s helpful feedback!


Once the machine is powered up, it won’t start a print until it’s finished any updates - so no need to wait unless the UI isn’t ready.


Didn’t know that, but since I now do…it should cut down on my coffee consumption. :smile:


Does my laser have to complete an update before the Snapmark button appears in the interface, or will the UI show it if/when applied no matter the laser status?

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Hopefully not speaking out of turn. Don’t believe it’s a machine update, if I correctly remember, the prior info that was provided to us. You’ll need a fresh browser session though for the Snapmark icon to appear.

That’s right - hitting “refresh” would cause it to appear if it’d been enabled.

The message, Looking Good! Click Print to Continue when stuff you want printed is outside the printable area is more than a little annoying. Especially when it is the next set of snapmarks for a pass through project.

Looking Good! Some parts of your design are outside the printable area. Click Print to Continue, is a better message.

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This got me the other day! I had not used the machine in a week or two and powered it on to cut out something for our Disney trip and the machine would not do anything. There really needs to be a status light indication on the machine its updating, freaked out for awhile there! The UI said it was scanning then went to offline and the machine was not doing anything. While I was trying to search this board it came back to life, glad I didn’t restart it!


Xabbess, I’m using the latest version of Safari that ships with Mojave. The next time I have some time to look at it I’ll try to see if there are any extensions or plugins running that might mess with the GFUI.

(BTW, I checked again Sunday to see if the snapmarks worked, and still no dice.)

Thanks again!

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