Hi all,
I have some IPI Laserables 1/16th plastic sheet. I am certain this is a dumb question because “laserables” is in the description but it still makes me nervous:
Does anyone know if this material is laser safe? Anyone have any experience with it? Here is the link: https://www.jpplus.com/ipi-laserables-matte-white-black-engraving-plastic
Thank you!
I believe it is laser safe.
usually when its marked ‘laser safe’ they are talking about running it thru a ‘laser printer’ like an HP. . But I assume if it can handle the hot rollers of a laser printer, it should work well with the hot ‘blade’ of a Glowforge…
Johnson Plastics Plus means a laser when they say a laser - not an HP laser printer. I think you should look at the provided link before making an assessment.
I totally disagree that something that says it is laser safe implies a traditional laser printer.
I stated an opinion… I did not state a fact… . . .
Maybe I was thinking more in the lines of THIS
Yes, laser safe, and does a neat job. I do find running a very fast engrave over the first will clean up leftover material. Without it you sometimes get a “fuzzy” look to the engraved areas.
In the details of their page:
Engraving Method: Laserable, Rotary
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I saw that, but the comma tripped me up and I thought that meant rotary engravers only. I guess there aren’t rotary lasers. Figured it was a dumb question but just wanted to double check
Thank you!
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Yes it’s laser safe and can’t wait to see what you make!
It was not a dumb question. It is always a good idea to be safe, and if you are worried about a material seek more information. Rotary engravers are a thing, and commas are important.
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