Well over 50 orders this month, which for a side business, is plenty.
A lot was combination cnc and laser. Here were some .
And about 20 more beard combs on top of the 50.
Well over 50 orders this month, which for a side business, is plenty.
A lot was combination cnc and laser. Here were some .
Wow, you’ve been busy (especially so as this is something you do on the side). Sweet designs. Thanks for sharing! I love to see what others create.
Yup. Full time I’m a mechanical designer for one of the biggest mining equipment companies in the world.
They all look great!
That is a bunch of great projects! My favorite is the baby onesie ornament.
Your engraves are fantastic.
Thanks for sharing… This gives folks a great idea of what is possible on a Glowforge! I am a huge fan of the Eagle Scout award and also the engravings. Truly exceptional work!!
wow! amazing! Did you use the glowforge to do the log cabin/deer carving?
I used laser for the group separators and the outline of the start holes. The rest was 3D milled with a 1mm radius tapered ball end mill.
Great looking batch of projects you have there. Thanks for showing us.
I Really like the Eagle Scout Award.
It’s all great but I absolutely love the cribbage board.
The cribbage board is stunning! Love the Eagle Scout Award and baby photo ornament also!