A quick share of some day 2 and 3 tests before we head to LA for a week! Disneyland and Wizarding World, here we come! (Recommendations welcome!)
Testing a TexanGothic coaster design using Maple Hardwood. Texan Gothic was a series of western illustrations I made for my MFA thesis and formally started my specialty with old-school anaglyphic
3D illustration for galleries and such. For anyone curious with red/blue glasses handy, examples at OldSchool3D.com and TexanGothic.com
I do kind of wish I had set @BradAlbright as my handle in the forum as I do everywhere else, but I’m still fond of the icon from that project and have looked forward to engraving it since I preordered the Glowforge.
Lastly, some Albright Illustration keychain tests on the same grade: Maple Hardwood, where I overrode the PG settings to see what happens when you crank the Pro to Full Power and standard 100 (deeper and darker, but not quite as clean and refined as what they set up for the default Precision)… I’ll likely stick with PG settings in the future, and see how well it fares against hardware store maple ply.
Top example is grade: Medium Black Acrylic at default settings. Looks really cool but only when it catches the light just right. I’ll have to fiddle with painting in the engraved part sometime in the future before peeling the masking off.
Thanks everyone for this wealth of knowledge and discussion… having this resource to dig deeper into now that I have the hardware is invaluable. Happy weekend!