Finishing up a vanity for my step-daugher and needed a quick template for drilling the holes for the pulls. 3 minutes in CAD, 2 minutes on the laser and all of the pulls are perfectly lined up. This is what’s spectacular to me about this tool - simple, quick things to help me in every day life.
YES! 100%
I love that wood. It looks like Hickory.
Got a pic of the actual template?
I’ll take one later (at work now) but it’s essentially a 2 3/4 x 13 3/4 rectangle with 2 1/8" holes cut out at the precise spot.
And the wood is Hickory for the drawers, GOOD birch ply for the case work. I have about 1500 linear foot of reclaimed hickory flooring that I’m using for projects. Next up is another vanity with a different drawer layout for my other daughter. Then a Dominion storage case!
Gorgeous! She is a very fortunate girl.
I did the same thing for my kitchen cabinets, a corner on the template so just shove it against the edge and the corner of the door. Fast, and precise - the template and the laser!
That’s beautiful!
I couldn’t agree more!
That is some really lovely wood. Quick, accurate templates have been one of the most welcome treats of laser ownership. I do this constantly.
Beautiful work!
that is a beautiful desk!
Beautiful desk!
That vanity is beautiful! And way to go - reclaimed flooring, that’s awesome!