Time’s running down on the discounted Upgrades. Snag 'em if you want 'em.
I feel this is much like Techshop sending out discounted membership offers before they declared bankruptcy.
I was a techshop member. I am a pre-order of glowforge… and I still do not have my unit. So I need to start a support group for suckers…
and the dates always move.
This has nothing to do with Glowforge. This was me sending out a friendly reminder to those who were interested in upgrading that the time to get the discount was running out.
(So I’m gonna guess you’re not interested in taking advantage?)
He’s in full on rant mode right now. You could pay for an upgrade and hand deliver it today, and he’d find something negative to say.
This meets the appropriate level of forum sarcasm necessary to garner honest “likes”.
Chuckle! Just a gentle tease.
Anyone who does want to upgrade, the time is down to just a handful of hours now, better get crack-a-lackin’.
(I now feel like I’ve done my civic duty. Think I’ll go catch a movie or play a game. It’s been a while.)
Thanks for the reminder I did upgrade just a few days ago. I wish I had just bought the pro in the first place.
That’s where I’m at right now. I am really kicking myself for not buying a pro originally and then double kicking myself for not upgrading two months ago when it would have really made a difference in my delivery time. Now, I’m set to get my email pretty soon but I am still wondering if I wouldn’t use the pro features for larger pieces. I build a bit of furniture where I could see this being pretty cool.
Switching to Pro can actually speed up your delivery time IF they start working on a batch of Pro units and your date falls into that batch.
It can also push it back if they are working on Basics first. So the fear of a shifting date is pretty much open for grabs in either case, no way to know. But the discount makes a pretty big incentive.
(My logic. TIFWIW.)
For sure, and it has been a while since Dan mentioned that they were focused on pro units. Either way, the main thing I’d be weighing in my decision is “need”. It’s hard to gauge how much time I’ll actually have to build stuff and if I couldn’t just do what I need in smaller sections and then fit them together. If they were further along with the alignment of passthrough objects I would be more apt to take the leap. I’m not sure that that is a problem that can ever really be entirely solved. That’s sort of the nature of any tool that does intricate cuts. It’s more about the operator than the tool. Though I had hoped their imaging and multiple cameras would have helped some. I’ve read conflicting reports about user experiences.
You know the passthrough slot for me was minimal in my decision to upgrade once I realized that it’s only 1/4 inch tall. What I wanted was the 20% increase of speed and power (for engravings that should speed up the time). Also I suspect that if in the future they do any advanced software upgrades or attachment (like rotary engraving) they will be pro specific. So it’s a gamble but I won’t regret buying the upgrade where I might regret not having it.
The liquid cooling is nice - supposedly will make the laser last longer, or operate in hotter environments.
That is also nice. I don’t live in a hot place but longer runtime is helpful.
Also “liquid cooling Laser Cutter” just sounds cooler
I switched to pro (this week) and my date shifted in the sooner than later direction by quite a bit. Jury is still out if it will stay that way…but still in it for the long haul.
BTW: Both the Basic and Pro have liquid cooling running through the laser tube. The Basic just runs the liquid past some passive cooling fins. The Pro uses an additional electronic device called a Peltier chiller to cool the liquid below what ambient temperature would allow.
There are a number of ways (& recent posts demonstrating) to achieve pretty good precision of long objects using various indexing techniques that are fairly common in the CNC world. Hairline or better precision.
But someone else posted about how they were inding the pass through equally or even more useful as a method to get full use of PG (or any 12x20 or 12x24 material) by sliding it in the long way and not losing the margins. Might not be as big of a benefit once they get to the 20.4" spec’ed support but right now we lose a fair amount of material due to cuttable/engraveable area vs the physical size of commonly available wood.