Just a small ripple in an otherwise placid sea

What have I got to lose ???

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Can you take the hard drive out of the enclosure? In my personal experience the enclosure is the point of failure about 25% of the time.

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Yes, I’ve had it out to see if there was anything obvious about the connections from the usb socket to the small pcb that it’s mounted on.
I did wonder if taking it out of the skt that connects it to the pcb might allow me to try it in another container, but that’s hard against the envelope for me !
EDIT with a gentle shake, there’s no feeling of anything loose, which I suppose is something. But if nothing can move then that’s the problem :worried:

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I’ve got one of these:

Well worth every penny.


Drive loss is such a freakin’ hassle–glad you recovered so quickly!

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Guess what.
Just took it off the pcb, as above, then remounted it, plugged in and hey presto, one hdd working !!!
It must have had a fall on one end, and the drive slid out of the skt just enough to diss the connectors .
Is there a HAPPY BUNNY emoji ?


No emoji, but …


Thanks. I’ve got the same grin on my face.


Whew! :sweat_smile:

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I think I have the same one. Saved me days of work.
I also use crashplan to backup both locally and to the cloud.


Same grin when I smacked that thing and heard it spin up… ‘Oh yeah Baby!’

Makes me think about the consequences of a large CME from our star like the Carrington Event. we are so reliant on our electronics.


Of all the weird randomness of being able to have life on this planet, the Goldilocks idea of not having something zap us like this really impresses me. Until I start thinking about just how many star in how many galaxies there are, and realize that that’s a lot more chances than I could ever imagine.

Just glad it’s been relatively stable here for a while! Whew.


Water, a common element in the universe, but having the conditions for it to lie on the surface in it’s liquid phase is really miraculous, considering the odds.
And then rain. Tons of water floating over your head -Taking water from where it is to where it isn’t. Pressure and temperature. Goldilocks.
A waterfall, an ordinary phenomena…if you happen to live on Earth, is a spectacle in the Universe. Our oasis in the void.


I’m so sorry about the hard drive!

Please remember that you can only post designs that you personally own. Since you said these came from the internet at large, I’m going to remove them - if I’m mistaken and they’re yours, please let me know.

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Sorry, the diamond pattern came from free laser designs, but no biggie. Just wanted to show what the corresponding depth map looked like. My bad.

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We get regular cease and desist orders when people post photos that don’t belong them, and I would rather spend the time that we use dealing with them on making your Glowforge better. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the heads up. :thumbsup:


A buddy of mine got a locked up, over-heated wireless router to work another three years with that trick. Though it was funny how for several days he and his neighbor kept fighting over the neighbor’s wireless network. He’d set it up securely and the neighbors would reset it to factory. After they all figured out what was happening he taught them how to set it up securely themselves.