My little sister (not so little now I guess) had a request for some lotus earrings. Using this personal use license art as a baseline, I was able to crank out a quick product.
The only issue is I am unsure how to glue it now, with all the delicate pieces! I have spray, glue stick, superglue, etc. Does anyone have experience with how to best adhere these slices together with minimal breakage?
I use clear gorilla glue and a cheep paint brush to apply it.
The pictures are small but they look lovely!
those look really cool.
i use a bottle like this for wood glue application.
.very similar to the bottles for acrylic cement. something like this allows you to put just a dot of glue in a very specific spot.
Thanks for the tips! I’ve decided to try a few ways, since cutting these little guys takes about 5 cents of material and 1 minute of laser time. Looks like the best method was to gently hold the eyelet with needlenose pliers and give the backside of each layer a quick pass of spray adhesive. A direct shot led to clumps of adhesive in the cutaway windows. After each layer has been stacked, carefully sandwich between two magnets to set.
It’s possible that the adhesive will bond the paper to the magnet. For this, use a thin scraper from the eyelet toward the bottom. No adhesive on the eyelets, because the pliers were covering.
magnets as clamps… i like it!
Gorilla Super Glue has one with a brush - and also get yourself a set of crafting tweezers. Invaluable for holding small stuff like this when gluing.
Your sister will love them. They turned out beautiful!