So I’ve got myself and the misses a Kindle scribe, naturally I want to protect the E ink screen so have been contemplating making something to do just that. The first idea is more basic: a sleeve designed to hold the scribe in Transit, nothing more. The other one is almost like a folio style, with leather holding the scribe inside the casing, having a pen holder slot, and maybe a pocket for a few pages or notes to transfer (I currently use mine to take notes at work alongside taking notes for my tech trainings and reading various PDF books). My question is, would either of these be beneficial for anyone here? Trying to decide if it’ll be worth sharing with the GF community, or else just keep to myself.
I have been considering for years (or more properly looking for) a tool that could run an automatic repoussé on thin metal. Many tools come close but most are pen & knife or pre-designed plates in a roller…
I think this may be of wider interest
Yeah I’m thinking about making one of each, the misses wants a slip cover and I’m thinking the foilo for myself
I agree, I think there will be interest!
Welp! I made the slip cover, need to make some adjustments as it’s extra tight but it came out pretty nice if I do say so myself
Very sharp and professional looking.
Thank you! I’ll be making one for mine today, not sure if I want to put an image on the leather this time or not
Slightly bigger, the next version will have a pen loop, and I’m working on figuring out the dementions of the folio style
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