Kudos to Team Glowforge

I had a cardboard project to do that would not fit in the bed, so I needed to use the pass through slot on my Pro. Using no jigs or even the straight side of the tray (my material was not straight on either side) but just visual alignment using the Set Focus function, I got near perfect alignment:

Left side (arrow shows join point):

Right side:

And being the frugal person I am, I wanted to squeeze a part out that barely fitted on this piece of cardboard:

We don’t hear a lot of complaints about alignment any more since the camera calibration routine and the set focus function have been implemented, but the huge improvement that I have seen on my own machine since I first received it in January 2018 still has me in awe. Thanks for all your hard work, Team Glowforge!




Haven’t you heard? that machine is vaporware!

All the complaints of the cloud connectivity, My Tesla is being updated as I type this, and my glowforge is so much more than it was when I installed it. :+1:

Some of the best money I ever spent.


Totally agree! My alignment has gotten so good I no longer even need to use the Set Focus out at the edges.

Pretty wonderful thing! :slightly_smiling_face:


I know what you mean - but Winter is here.

I just see it as a good habit.


Except our Teslas also work offline! Except that time their mobile app went down and I had to walk to get my morning coffee. Can’t be bothered to carry keys when I have my Apple watch :smile: