Laser etched stained glass panels

YES! I’ve been thinking about this same exact thing! Random ideas follow:

  • some interesting reading here: Not a lot of this pertains to the Glowforge (lots and lots about placement issues solved by our handy camera), but I learned things about how lasers interact with glass and different qualities of glass.
  • @dan mentioned that engraving glass with Glowforge might work instead of a scoring tool. This is very exciting to me because getting pieces cut the way you need them to fit back together is quite hard.
  • See Glass engraving.... cutting?
  • Engraving a piece of acrylic (for stiffness) and then laying a very thin sheet of wood sandwiched above and below to hold it on. Seems like lots of options for glue to solidify the whole thing. I really would like to see a wood jointed stained glass piece, I think it would have a really nice natural feel going on.
  • Straight up making the stained ‘glass’ from acrylic (though, I love the qualities of glass, especially the impurities and interesting color options of crafting glass)