Laser Inspired Recipes (Or your favorites)

Absolutely love calamari

I was actually thinking edge lit acrylic! A little base you can slot each ‘card’ into that will turn on the LED and light the recipe and a cool storage box for when they’re not in use


Can’t wait to see it done!

I fully support this. :thumbsup: :fork_and_knife:


It’s not the best, I’ve done it before thinking I could cut some time off my shredding of 12 lbs of pork shoulder from the smoker. You want to cut some of the pork so you don’t get long strands of muscle fiber. However after you find the grain of the meat, cutting it into a few chunks and then shredding it works great! (chicken muscles are small so they don’t get too stringy).


Glowforge inspired for me is trying something new. Did a stick blender Bernaise for some asparagus since I found fresh tarragon today. It says one minute but in the end it talks about five minutes of careful micro waving to clarify the butter and heat it up.

Reduce two tablespoons tarragon vinegar and one tablespoon lemon juice in a saucepan to one tablespoon volume along with course cracked pepper and one finely chopped shallot. Remove from heat and cool. Strain into two egg yolks with 1/2 teaspoon salt and pinch of cayenne. With a stick blender in a container that just fits the business end, whip up till mixture pales and thickens. Slowly drizzle in hot clarified butter obtained by heating one stick butter in micro in twenty second intervals to allow froth to come up and subside and letting settle and clear off milk solids. Finish with chopped fresh tarragon.


Recipe? :yum:

(I loves me a good bernaise too!)

Somebody come up with a good one for Creme Brulee

Perfect for lasering…

Tell you what - I’m going to gain 20 pounds if this keeps up.


This is the recipe I use, which I try to block from my memory because making it more than once a year is asking for trouble.


Oh lord - that one uses heavy cream…(never knew to skim all the bubbles off either, which is probably why mine are not that pretty.) :yum:

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A step never to skip because it’s a step where you get to use fire! :smile:


Chef steps is just a mile or two from us - we keep meaning to get together for lunch but hasn’t happened yet.

I took our laser tube vendors to dinner today when they were in town and the asparagus at the steakhouse looked a lot like @marmak3261’s rendition…


I think that, because of this topic, the very first thing I’m going to do with my -----------:boom: LASER is play with my food before plastic and other potentially toxic stuff goes in.


That is an epic suggestion!


Snacking on one now…these are delish! (All i need’s a tall glass of icy cold milk to make my afternoon treat complete!) :grin:

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It would just be easier to post the cookbook my family put together for my mom and dad’s 50th. It’s doubled in size in the intervening ten years. makscook.pdf (887.9 KB)


Score! That Reuben dip and Jezebel sauce look very promising! :sunglasses:

Ooh…and the Champignons Polonaise.


Awesome recipes!! Thank you do much for sharing!

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I have a bunch of recipes to change in the cookbook and to add. Don’t have InDesign any more and that really makes layout tough. Nobody seems to do running headers unless you get the professional layout software. Here’s one more recipe that is my go to for parties if I am asked to bring a salad.

Lentil and Barley Salad

It’s my take on tabbouleh with a different grain and added legume and a little less herbage.

1 cup green lentils
1 cup pearled barley
1 cucumber
½ red bell pepper
½ green bell pepper
½ red onion
1 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 cup chopped fresh mint
3/4 cup olive oil
juice of 2 lemons
1 tablespoon ground sumac
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper or chili powder

Cook the lentils in three cups of salted water by bringing it to a boil in a 1-2 quart heavy bottomed pot. Reduce heat to a bare simmer, cover and cook for one hour. Cook barley the same way in three cups of salted water by bringing it to a boil. Reduce heat to a bare simmer, cover and cook for one hour. When cooking is finished, pour each into strainers, and lightly rinse, tossing, to cool.

Cut cucumber, red and green pepper, and onion into small bits, about ¼ inch cubes. Mix with lentils, barley and remaining ingredients. The sumac really gives this some punch along with the lemon.


Don’t think I’ve ever tried sumac…is it spicy? Earthy?