Laser masking

One of my first ambulance calls was for a double decapitation. There’s an awful lot of blood in people.

That was a flashback I have avoided for a number of years.

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I have a lot of extremely fun and extremely disturbing memories from those years.

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Yeah, some really good ones where you make a real difference in someone’s life and then ones where there’s nothing you can do except feel awful. I don’t know how doctors/nurses do it every day.

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I worked with a young woman who had given up the EMT’ing. Her best story was the disembowelment call. Guy got in a fight with his gal and she slashed him across the gut with a kitchen knife. They showed up expecting guts everywhere, and if the guy had been normal weight there would have been. Being very obese it was but a flesh wound. Fat saved the day.


A guy I know, showed up to a 911 call: the duo had to let themselves inside the house and then the bathroom. Guy was cradling…himself as he’d had a rather messy mishap shaving for, presumably, a lady friend. He was literally holding himself together down there, so they taped his hand in place and carted him off to the hospital that way.


My funny one was a “heart attack” for a mid-30 yo male. Got to the house and the cops were laughing their butts off in the driveway.

We went inside and the guy is sitting in his pajamas on a chair in the kitchen - hot, flushed, red but BP & pulse not too bad…didn’t want to go to the hospital. Turns out he and the wife were sitting in the hot tub drinking wine and “frolicing”. He passed out, she jumped out and called 911…After she pulled him out of the hot tub, dragged him to the kitchen and pulled pajama pants on him :smile:

She was embarrassed so wanted to be out of the hot tub and dressed…had it been a real heart attack the delay might have been fatal (those early heart attacks tended to be first & finals).


Almost as good as mynow passed maternal grandpa. Small stroke. Calls my mom(an RN); Should I call an ambulance?

Washes up, puts on the coffee, then calls so he’s presentable and has enough coffee to offer them when they show up. Tough old codger that one.


Anyway to know if this tape is safe to laser?
I can’t find any specs anywhere…

Two thoughts:

  • It doesn’t look promising functionally since it’s a clear plastic tape, as opposed to paper tape. It’s likely to bubble and lift during cuts and probably make a royal mess if trying to etch through it. I speak from past experience on that one.

  • As a plastic product, it’s hard to tell what it’s made of. The mention of acrylic is probably only regarding the adhesive itself and not the backing. There’s a good chance it would release gas harmful to both you and the machinery.

Based on functionality alone, I’d give this one a pass. The forum is full of masking discussion threads if you want more ideas on what works well.

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Yeah, I agree.

I ordered some TransferRite 582. I’ll see how that works!


I don’t have my laser just yet, but my adhesive test drive on that masking is promising.

Which is good because I bought a giant roll of it!

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oh wow! That is the funniest thing I have heard today. :joy:

I found this tape for my 3D printer, it works nicely for masking off materials for engraving.


transfer tape is significantly less expensive than blue painters tape.


I’ve heard the government’s actually putting H2O in the water these days!!! That’s why I only buy bottled. :slight_smile: