Laser Pancakes

Getting back on the original topic of burned batter for Geeks… has a keyboard waffle maker on sale today.


Hahaha - good description… I shall think twice before trying…

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Tens of millions of people worldwide would disagree with you.

To some people chocolate is just almost edible. Or coffee. :slightly_smiling_face:


SPAM :tm: Musubi


I saw that too, and actually had to restrain myself from buying it. I don’t even eat waffles or have any other geeks to serve. I just wanted it for no known reason.


Whoa, a Monty Python I haven’t seen yet! Awesomesauce!

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I was unaware you could know Monty Python and not know the spam skit. Mind blown. :wink:


I have to disagree!

Here’s something else you’ll likely wince at. When I was last on Mackinac island visiting a niece, the restaurant we were eating at didn’t have any red French dressing for my salad (the only dressing I really like). My niece convinced me to try the raspberry vinegaret. After tasting and liking it I asked the waiter to bring me a small amount of peanut butter melted in the microwave. I drizzled it over the salad and it was heaven! Peanut butter and raspberry vinegaret salad dressing :laughing:
Everyone thought I was nuts until they tried it themselves.


MMMMM-- peanut sauce – pinda sate sauce – a staple of Indonesian cooking and sooooo good! :smile:


That really is the way to go. Fried bologna sandwiches were a staple growing up, but also special enough that they only happened on the weekends.

This thread made me nostalgic enough that I had to go get some Vienna Sausage at lunch.


Those people are wholeheartedly incorrect. :slight_smile: Both are completely amazing.

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the real problem with food in the laser isn’t that it’s unsafe, it’s that it’s probably going to taste gross, haha. suuuuuper easy to carbonize things past the point of palatability.


Naw, the Maillard reaction makes everything taste more awesomer. :slight_smile:

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Nope. I’ve lasered chocolate and cookies. Sometimes it’s okay and sometimes I’ve ruined it. It can be like gingerbread - nice cookies but the houses are often inedible. Too dark a laser engrave and you burn instead of toast. Too light though and you lose the effect.


You are welcome to disagree…
Just don’t serve me peanut sauce.

I like ketchup. I don’t like Sriracha.
My girlfriend loves Sriracha, and hates ketchup.
We each love to put our red condiment of choice onto potatoes, and tease each other for ‘ruining’ the food.


I grew up in Hong Kong, and spam and egg sandwiches, or spam with instant noodles, or corned beef on toast were definitely staple / comfort food growing up. It grosses out my (American) wife whenever I cook any of that. :smiley:

But dial the clock back 50 years or so, in my parent’s generation refrigeration wasn’t common. And canned meats such as spam and corned beef were an AWESOME invention for a lot of the world because it broke the feast and famine cycle: before canned meats were affordable, villagers would get together and slaughter a pig, and had to eat the entire animal before parts started going bad, then resort to being vegetarian (sp :-P) until the next big celebration comes along.

When my Mom was dating my Dad, his Dad used to trade visiting American GIs (during the height of the Vietnam war) various locally sourced trinkets for canned spam and chipped beef and my Dad would then bring it along on their picnic dates. Thankfully they eat a lot better these days. :slight_smile:

-=- Terence


I put mayo on my fries! mmm mmm mmm :fries:
PS - I saw Sriracha Vodka the other day at the Liquor Store…


This is a great story, and I am not making fun of you… but I have to admit that I got a chuckle out of the word “veterinarian” in this context :wink:


Horseradish Veganaise is excellent with fries :slight_smile:

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When I put pineapple on a pizza, I use Spam for that island authenticity. I use goat cheese, some shreds of coconut and ginger and chopped cilantro. It gets voted the best pizza of all when I have a big party. I think many folks are turned off by anything gelatinous with meat. I’m with @terence, before refrigeration it was a big deal. I’ve had many discussions about this with family. Having a brother-in-law whose master’s in meat science was a low sodium canned ham product, I kind of root for this stuff. And it is so handy to have in the pantry. And the Spam museum and tour is a great experience I hear.

And peanut sauce is just one of those things to have in the cooking arsenal. One of the best ways to cook skewered chicken bits. You know those cheap, boneless, skinless chicken thighs at the grocery store? Get a satay marinade and chunk them up. Put on skewers and grill or broil. They cook fast and are so tasty.