Here are a few last minute engravings I was asked to do.
Hmm what’s up with the light color? Paint? Masking pre weed?
Yea that’s masking beforehand lol just cuz I really like the looks of it too ha ha.
Those are just beautiful. Too bad you can’t just leave the masking on. I love the looks of it. I have tried before and it’s worked but not for something like this.
It could be selectively weeded and painted. Very nice engraving!
Very nice!
Those engravings are beautiful. Looks like you have your settings dialed in perfectly. They are sure to be treasured pieces.
Mask whole stock.
Make a jig in the Glowforge to exactly position the stock.
Cut the outline of the engraved area as a vector on very low power.
Remove the masking from the engrave area.
Paint entire engrave area white. Let it dry.
Re-mask. Put the stock back in the jig.
Engrave as usual.
Weed the engrave to expose the white paint.
Cool idea. I thought about doing something like this or spraying inverted with masking on but not sure how long paint would last on it. Guess I won’t know until I try.