Leather Passport Template

I am making a leather passport template, well I’m adding in stitching hole to a template I got from http://makesupply-leather.com. Does anyone have a clue how big to make the hole? This is the first one I’ve done and id like to get it right the first time! :stuck_out_tongue:


You might be interested in the template that @emilycarolinemiller1 posted:



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Thanks for the link. I haven’t tried leather yet. Good luck!

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Make supply has a great video on YouTube on how to actually design a pattern for laser cutting that if you should check out. Not a lot of detail but great overall walk through.


When I try the link it goes nowhere, am I doing something wrong?

Just tried both the link and the link within the link, they appeared to work. They both require JavaScript though. The inner link is to a document in Google drive with thin lines that looks like a blank page until I look closer at it.

I think it’s my old Mac. It doesn’t play with others. Will try a different computer. Thanx

Haw. Got it. Thank you

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