Leather Reuleaux Triangle Box and Round Box Designs

I know that there are likely a bunch of posts that say the same thing, but do you have any qualified references that support that statement? This is one of the old wives tales of the laser community. But if new research has come out to support this, I’d love to know as I laser both and tell students they can use either as well. If things have changed I will adjust my training materials.

I’ve found that chrome tanned is safe to laser and if the machine is vented properly there’s no exposure to anything that can harm you. It lasers differently than veg tanned and has some other characteristics in terms of how it takes dyes and tooling but neither is necessarily “better” - it depends on the project it’s being used for.

Thank you!!! It is.

No new info, just parroting what I’ve read a lot here.

There is still a warning in the Glowforge manual under Uncertified Materials Safety:

“Leather is sometimes prepared with toxic heavy metals that can be released in the air during the printing process that could harm you or your Glowforge.”

After spending a couple of weeks covered in itchy rash and hives just from touching chrome-tanned leather (I cut it manually and was making a bag from it), I’m totally prepared to believe that vaporizing it into the atmosphere could be toxic. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks so much!! can’t wait to use it!