Our robotics team made these participation medals for the FIRST Lego League Jr. Expo we held this weekend. They are cut from proofgrade medium clear acrylic, and they are sized so that the outside edge holds 1 x 1 round Lego plates, cylinders or cones, which can be stacked one on top of each other if desired. We decided to score the event and the names onto the back of the acrylic because we found that the scoring was more visible when reversed like that. The name and event are a different color in the pdf so you can ignore them, but I left them there so you can see where we put them. The hole for the rocket is also a different color, as these medals would be fun to make without the rocket too. Because we didn’t have all the kids names early enough, we made a lot that only had the event name on them and we wrote in the name with Sharpie.
We put all the Lego rockets in the badges ahead of time, and we had a table where the kids could come pick round plates for their badges. Every 15 minutes or so we let the kids add another layer of dots or cones to their medals. It was very popular!
legopaloozamedal2.pdf (41.7 KB)