Liberty Tabletop silverware organizer

This is my first scratch-built file with finger joints. It’s not a tight fit, so you may want to fix that if you want to force-fit yours.

This project was inspired by my new set of silverware. Since I needed a full set and figured that I might need to replace pieces occasionally I found Liberty Tabletop. From what I gather, the last place making silverware in the US.

Honestly, not sure if this file will be useful to anyone who doesn’t have my specific set of silverware, but I figure I’ll share it anyway since I’ve made quite a few things other folks have shared here.

This file is for 1/8" material. The base is 15 3/4 wide and 10" tall at the tallest point. The small pieces on the “top” are in order left to right in the file.
I suppose since I didn’t add notes to the file it’s a bit of a puzzle…

I used Proofgrade clear acrylic so it’ll be washable.
(I don’t know about your house, but somehow in mine, little bits of food and whatnot get in there eventually so I like to clean it.)

I plan to bond the acrylic as soon as I can get outside when the sun is out and my hands are feeling steady. Any tips on bonding acrylic are welcome. This will be my first attempt. I have a bottle with a needle applicator and I watched a video about it.

This pic is of the final test fit. (paper still on)
(That empty slot is for the serving spoon and fork.)

LibertyTabletopSilverwareOrganizer v3

Edit: I had to sand some of the long parts that go into the base part’s long bottom grooves to get it to sit right for gluing. Plus I’m noticing that some of the bottom outer corners could have been nicer…

WARNING: Making this out of clear plexiglass will reflect the light to beautifully highlight every water spot and scratch on your silverware. Maybe go for an opaque color.


Nice practical cut. Thanks for sharing it.


Looks great


I like the stair-step design. Never seen one like that.


This looks like a well thought out design. While it may not fit everyone’s need, it would certainly give others ides on how to design their own. Thanks for sharing.


This turned out really nice. Gives me inspiration!!


Good timing for me. I need to buy new silverware.

Any idea which model of Liberty Tabletop this works with?


I bought the Anapolis:
But I imagine several of their styles are the same size… not sure though.


thanks, those look very nice.

looking at their site, this model is “euro” sized which means bigger than “US” or “liberty” sized models. So, it is a good bet that most silverware sets will fit your design.


Really nice, thank you for sharing with us.


Nice share! It’s always great to create something that is an asset to our life. You will enjoy it each time you open the drawer.


I like it. Unfortunately, my kitchen drawers are anything but standard sizes. I am going to have to design my own, alas.


If you’ve got the liquid acrylic cement it will mostly likely get away from you - resist the urge to clean it up! It will dry where it runs, and while you might get a slight blurring, if you try to clean it up you will get large smudges.
If it’s possible to remove the tape just from where you’re going to glue, the masking will protect you from runaway cement.
It dries quite quickly, but not so quickly that you want to mess with it immediately. Leave them alone for 30 minutes to give them time to finish :slight_smile:


huh that would explain the enormous forks…


Thank you. I thought I had a great plan until I had it fully assembled and taped up without masking on the inside and attempted to put the bottle in the grooves in an elegant manner. Yeah so there was a lot of extra sitting in there. Luckily the video I watched warned me against cleaning it up and the worst parts are on the outside where I used masking tape for a second try at three top edge corners that didn’t quite weld. It seems like it wicked under the masking tape and fused a bit of it in there.


Oh, super useful design—thanks! I like the deep indentations on the sides to make it easier to pick up the silverware.


I switched to this and it not only works great for acrylic, but also repairing auto trim tabs.

Need to use on a protected surface. I used it on some earrings and a little got onto a snap-on protective case for my laptop, it ate into the surface in seconds.


I am very new to these discussions, but how do I get the file?
This is something that I have been looking for and haven’t liked what I have found, but I think this will work great!


Welcome to the community! You just right-click on the drawing and “Save as SVG to…” whatever directory on your computer you want. Just remember that all files offered in the Free Laser Designs are to be made for personal use only for yourself or to give as gifts to family/friends. :slight_smile: But be sure to join us often, and show us what you make too! We all learn from each other, and this is the best place to be to get help with any Glowforge problems you may have. Also, be sure to scroll through all the other free designs in here. I’m sure you’ll find many you’ll love.


Oh I just noticed this lol hopefully you figured it out by now?