Light Engraving on Cork Inconsistent

Well, it worked last night… but not today. sigh

Just checked, and nothing seems off or loose.

Im hesitant to check other things right now because I have a jig setup for the cork and I would have to cut a new one if I move it (no snapmarks :cry:)

I think the problem was the ambient temperature of the machine was too high. I got an AC unit and lowered the temperature from 74 to 65, and now the machine seems significantly more consistent. I guess the temperature was just barely below the high-temp threshold so the machine was still running, but the power output wasn’t stable.

This would explain why it seemed to run better at night as well, because the outside temperature had cooled off some, allowing cooler air to be pulled in to replace that which was vented by the GF. And the resetting wasn’t actually doing anything besides giving the lasertube a couple minutes to cool down


Good luck. Hopefully that was it, but that small reservoir in the Pro model could pose a bigger issue when using the passthru over a long period.

the biggest thing is that cork is a biological product. it is going to be highly variable, appearance will be deceiving.

I used to walk past a cork tree on my way to school. it was never underwater :slight_smile: