Lightning Strikes Twice

Didn’t the guy from tested go through three?


Dan has said that their modelling suggests some people could be unlucky enough to get up to 3 dud units.

On the other hand he has more recently said that their returns are actually under what they forecast for.

Either way, sorry to hear about the bad luck… i REALLY hope that 3rd unit comes in for you


I’m sorry that this has happened to you but on the other hand, I’ve cut more on my PRU than a lot of people ever will and it just keeps chugging along. We live in a stochastic universe.


And for a different point of reference: my PRU has been going for more than 6 months without a single hardware problem.


Good word! (Had to Google!) :grinning:

Hopefully third time’s a charm.


If I can get one person to add one word to their vocabulary each week I am happy. Use it well. :smile:


Yes, my pre-release is in the process of making its 1,400th cut and 2,800th engrave.
( 1 1/2" tokens engraved both sides). Workhorse.


I’m pretty sure, though I haven’t looked back up that quote, it was in context to items damaged in transit, no?

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Both Transit and Manufacturing was how i read it… i will see if i can find it again and link

Found it:

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I’m not sure if this makes me feel better (not just me!) or worse (it’s not just me…).

Fingers crossed for the next one.

Thanks for finding it!

Yeah, i can see why you would come to the conclusion that it is just about delivery issues.
I have heard so much board-room-speak that to me it was covering both Manufacturing and Delivery.
But yours is probably the safest bet

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Sorry to hear that, super frustrating. Normally I’m the guy who gets broken glass in his food and is the only one out of a group to get bit/stung/pooped on/hit by random projectile. But, I received two fully intact and perfect units, have had nothing but good experiences. Third unit is on order.


@dan - how would this situation play out for an international user? Would postage be covered?


this is precisely my question! thanks for getting to it before me ade. there also comes into question, if we have to send one back, what happens about import tax?

I don’t know, I’m afraid. It would likely depend on the particulars of the situation.

This - right here - is one of the scarier things I’ve read so far in this forum. You mean there’s a possibility that if a roller broke on our third or fourth print, we could be out another $500 to ship the machine back?

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Yes, that is possible. For example, moving a machine without the important orange and red bits may cause a wheel to crack. That would not be covered by the warranty, domestic or international. (Whether you had to ship it back or we could send you replacement parts is a separate question, and depends on which wheel was damaged)

Since we’re talking about hypothetical cases that ultimately come down to the specifics of the situation, I’ll defer further questions to the warranty as written, with the addendum that our support team is generous and often goes above and beyond.


I think theoretically you don’t need to pay it again for warranty returns but good luck with getting that to happen.