Little sphere puzzle adventure, acrylic

Hey folks, hope you are not sick of me… I tend to hyper focus and go nuts when I enter a new area / field… (I’m a bit of a nut… watchmaking to VR development)

Anyway, I wanted to try to make a sphere shape off the top of my head from flat cuts… so I started with two interlocking parts and went through three iterations. I calculated the offset for the kerf as well… so they snap fit tight but do not break… and yet can be taken apart. I spent about 15 minutes on the design portion, tinkering. The three you see are the progression of the simple to the more advanced models. They interlock tightly.


That took some mental acrobatics – good work! I’ve been a little bit obsessed with polyhedra myself, lately. :wink:


Yeah… I was thinking, I want a skeleton of a sphere… but I was feeling lazy. So I started with two simple discs that connected and snap fit from the center point… and then I got obsessed with it. Sounds like you know how that goes! Haha.


Looks great! :grinning:

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Thanks! I want to make a big wooden one with contrasting wood next. The ‘sphere core’ is a little weak on the structural side of things but I have some ideas to add more slats/frame.

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Great look

Cool! Puzzling fun!