After making wizard house earrings, I decided I wanted to try making a wooden purse to take with me on our family trip to Universal Studios. Nothing too big or heavy & that will fit in their tiny lockers.
We’re visiting all of the areas, but mostly the two Harry Potter worlds (which is why we’re dressing up a very little bit. )
I was sorted in with the Slytherins, (no complaints) but didn’t want a lot of “House”themed things because I won’t use them often. I wanted something more… anywhere/anytime.
After a lot of trying different things, I went with the Auryn Symbol (snakes) from Neverending Story.
Honestly, why aren’t these around anymore? Great image and one print makes two (opposite) symbols. It was a fun design!
The final purse fit the trip & fits my style, making it perfect!
I really love this one but I realize that a lot of times I start a project and then figure out what I want it to be along the way!
A note on the construction,: Because I was trying things to see what I liked it had several decorative phases. You’ll notice the “layers.”
The living hinges were too small so too fragile and broke- so I helped brace them together with copper tape I had around. I had an alternating copper tape and recl-diamond argyle pattern on the sides before I decided I still wanted to do snakes.
After attaching the symbol to both sides, the diamond background was too busy, so I flooded it with watered-down black acrylic. I was going for a toned-down version, but it wasn’t quite thin enough so it was just black.
That looked too odd with the wood and straps colors, and I remembered I had some gold rub&buff. - I’m not sure exactly what that stuff is, but very lightly “dry brushing” got a look I liked! It also filled in some cracks and gaps and basically covered up a lot of flaws. I’m pretty sure it acted as a sealant too.
I like how the diamond background still shows up!
So yeah, it was a fun learning journey! I hope you like it!
You can see the hinges, some braking, and the tape reinforcement. I went with the tape because I thought it would be visible, and copper is a good color.The snap closure (preassembled part)
Alternate, but identical, images on both sides. Easy win!