Looking for Glowforge Focused Podcasts

Is anyone aware of podcasts that are focused on Glowforge? As a new owner and avid podcast listener, I would love to listen to a show with a big focus on this particular type of making, sharing tips, and answering questions.

And if it doesn’t happen to exist already, let me know if you’re interested in a collaboration to possibly bring something like this to life.


I don’t recall hearing about any podcasts. There was a Zoom meeting for Laser Thursday last week, but nothing regular that I know of.

If you find one share, and if not you can start one and see who comes to listen :slight_smile: Thanks.


Of course there are several youtube channels - just search for Glowforge.


I don’t know of a podcast, but I think someone should start one! If anyone is interested in doing so, I have a friend with an “internet radio station” that has a variety of podcasts throughout the day. It’s extremely reasonable (like $50/month) and you can get two advertisers to run ads during your podcasts and that pays your monthly fees. No, I don’t get any kind of payment from them, but I don’t know of a better deal for hosting.


I’d be happy for any laser type podcasts. :smiley:


Cool Tools Podcast featured Dan on episode 185 from July last year. REALLY good interview. And while that’s not a specific laser podcast, it’s pretty cool!

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