Magic: the Gathering Life Tracker

I think I didn’t explain it right, I haven’t even got to the point of using any glue. When I place the six gears into the spacer ring and try to move them by hand they don’t move around.

@trinsaunt: Ahhh… You need to be very careful about how the five gears are spaced around the sprocketed spacer ring with the center gear in place or nothing turns at all—as you’ve discovered! I found getting that right was tricky, but once they are perfectly spaced then turning the center gear will turn the five outer gears with the symbols just fine. If you get just one outer gear wrong nothing works.

I recall it being frustrating at first. You might try counting the sprockets between the 5 outer gears to make sure all are spaced evenly.

Step-by-step @finh shows how to do that in the post above from June 2018…

Good luck. If I can do it then so can you!! :sunglasses:


I love that you used the land symbols!! Looks great! I’m going to have to try this.

I finally got it, thank you so much!!


This is great . Thank you for sharing

Oh man, I’d love this one! The SVG is cut off. Today is my first day, I’m clueless so far =)

I increased size and my gears don’t move =( It’s my first cut!

Increasing the size is a complicated adventure, as you’ve discovered. Why not make one that works, and then try to mess with the pattern?

If you’re determined to get a larger one to work realize you’re going to have to change the size of each component, but the larger they get the smaller (percentage wise) the kerf will get. If that’s all Greek to you, I’m going to suggest again that you try the pattern as is - and go through the First Prints section so you get a good lesson in the vocabulary and functionality of the machine.


The .svg only looks cut off because it’s larger than the art box - once you open it in an actual graphics program - or upload it to your GFUI, you’ll see the remainder of it.

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You’re awesome, thank you!

@SHJOH13: I don’t think that increasing the size of this should affect the “gearing”. Make sure that you carefully read @finh’s post (later in this VERY LONG thread) about placing and engaging the gears…

It is easy to assemble the gears in such a way where they simply will not turn. Obviously, don’t glue it together BEFORE your make sure that the gears move.

I made this work for a number of these so you can too! :sunglasses:


Made these a while ago. just saw so many different ones.


this is amazing!! Thanks for sharing. I have tried to make a few but having no luck :frowning: . It all goes together nice but when I go to move the life indicator it just falls off. I used a few different types of glue, E6000, and the 3M double sided tape. every time I get the same result. Any tips? Thanks again

The designer posted assembly instructions above, they used CA.

I would use wood glue and clamp it until cured.


thanks, I will give it another try!

Thanks for the kind words.

I used Gorilla glue. One thing you need to do is start slowly once it’s dry. You’ll need to rock it back and forth to let the gears free up before they’ll spin freely.

People have also posted versions that use a little peg if you want something mechanically stronger.


Also verify that your gears move smoothly before shutting them in. A single tooth one spot left or right of where it should be and the whole thing locks up :slight_smile:


I love these so much!! So far I’ve only made one (with some of my own modifications). I have many ideas for how I’d like to iterate … we’ll see if my brain/life let me do them before I’m too busy or distracted by the next idea :upside_down_face:

:glowforge: file: game. HP tracker gears (0-25) (revB ).pdf (660.3 KB)

:film_projector: Video available on insta: Taylor Williams on Instagram: "A HP (hit point) tracker for no game in particular. I can see myself making more of these; they're great fidgets 😄. Design inspiration and most of the design came from the wonderful #glowforge community ( #imadeathing #dnd #magicthegathering #lasercutter #gaming #tabletopgames #woodworking #glowforgecreations #glowforgemade #glowforgecommunity"

Credits: Thanks, everyone! This was fun!! :slight_smile: original design from finh, my base design file came from lightner, the excellent square peg mod is from eliahu77, I loved the arrow mod by frostyspeed (so I made my own in illustrator … that was surprisingly challenging) {I’d link to everyone’s profiles, but I need a few more forum posts before the system trusts me to include that many links :smirk:}


Nice project, and thank you for the share. This community is great for collaboration and inspiration.


I feel like I could have easily written this. :rofl: