Make the most of Glowforge catalog items

This is great thanks.

It’s a little frustrating that once you buy the file, you can’t upload it into another program (like you can if you buy the file anywhere else) to modify for your personal use but can only modify it on the GF dashboard.

Please keep in mind I wrote this more than 2 1/2 years ago. Things were very different then.


I know - I still found it helpful and appreciate your writing it. :grin:

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Thanks - and enjoy your Glowforge!

A lot of things around here age like a banana, just be glad someone still finds it useful.


Does anyone know where that file for the luggage tags can be found? It’s not in the catalog anymore.

There are 6 results for luggage tags when you search, including the “Classic Airline Luggage tag” referenced in the original post.


But @eflyguy is right, that file is still in the catalog.