Making a 4" cylinder

I was thinking in terms of an exhaust port idea, but there are many possible uses for this. You will need real plywood with wood all the way through and no MDF and try to make sure it is clean. I have bent quarter inch oak ply this way, but baltic birch should work as well

You will want to engrave the blue as deep as possible without going through, ideally leaving only a single ply. Then the whole thing left in a plastic bag with excess alcohol hand cleaner for 2 days. While still in the bag slowly bend it around a 4-inch or a bit more cylinder and held with a strong rubber band or similar let it ease into that shape for a day.

Then take it out of the bag and bend it back around the object and let it dry most of the way, If it does not quite make the whole way that is ok as there is a little give even after drying mos important however is that the ends will try and stay straight and you may even want to apply a clamp so they make the curve.

After it is completely dry you can lock the two ends together and glue them together. wait until it is completely dry before measuring for a bottom or top as the difference can be up to a quarter-inch in diameter between damp and dry.



Cool. Steam bending with out the steam! Nice.


I’m out of like, but way cool!


Thanks! Cool concept! Just curious if you have picture

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Previously, some discussion with rbtdanforth about these concepts here:


A little different goal but this is what happens

Instead of making it thinner along a a straight line it breaks up the thinness into islands so a weakness cannot travel


So awesome thx @rbtdanforth Going to cut this when the light is out tomorrow.


Thanks for the file


Thank you!

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