Mark's Learning Projects

Mixed media day! Very very simple but satisfying one this time.

A while ago (an embarrassingly long while if I’m honest) I made my wife one of those birthday wall hangings where you hang charms for each birthday. I made it as an experiment on my X-Carve using a V carving bit and we were generally happy with the result.

The charms, however, were a different matter entirely. I experimented some at making them on the X-Carve, and while doable it was a hassle. This sums up a great many of my experiences with CNC milling in general, and a big part of why I was so excited about the Glowforge. Ultimately I never got around to making the individual charms so the gift sat on a shelf for … a while.

Today, I finally cranked out the charms on the 'forge in about 15 minutes. Not having to deal with hold down strategies for work pieces is an incredible game changer when comparing laser to CNC routing/milling for the types of jobs that the laser can do. The X-Carve is still an excellent tool and it can do a lot of things my Glowforge can’t, but when I have the choice it’s Glowforge every time.

Still, the V carving in the big FAMILY in this thing is so gorgeous it’s hard to feel bad about going that way for that part of the project. :slight_smile: