Masking material for Baltic Plywood

Has anyone tried this (blue tape) for masking baltic plywood:

I have some laserbit masking paper but the tack is not high enough and it comes off the unfinished plywood surface during lasering - it does work for draft and acrylics though:

does anyone have a fovaorite masking material they can share for baltic birch plywood?

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Looks like it is just blue painter’s tape made large. With that, it should be fine for a laser masking. I mainly use blue painter’s tape in masking stuff that wasn’t masked.

Blue tape will rip up bb wood fibers. It’s too tacky.

If you’re having trouble getting lower tack masking to stick…


I apply the laserbit masking with one of these to get the material to stick really well to the BB…

Lil Chizler Hand Tool for Vinyl Wraps & Decals


i agree w/@evansd2 and @jjmacdougall. a light sand will help the medium tack stuff stay down and a good brayer will finish the job. that blue tape you linked is 2-3x the cost of medium tack transfer tape, too.


I have been using the blue with few problems. It is quite different from the narrower blue masking tape however as it is a lont thicker and stronger.

Best I’ve found . Brayer makes it stick well.

I use the Johnson Plastics stuff all the time and press it down firmly with a plastic card. Never have issues.

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i would use something with a hard edge instead of a roller. plastic card works. i have a lil chizler at home and at work. but recently i used the edge of a 4x12 piece of 1/4" acrylic scrap and that was awesome. got the whole sheet done much faster. that’s now my go-to.


I use this. Kind of pricey, but 300’ comes out to about 61c for front and back of a 20" board. Low tack, comes off well.

I use a scrap piece of wood and go to the middle and down, middle right then left, then middle to top. From there, I work the quadrants in a radial pattern. Learned it from a screen printer.


the lil chizler is a good tool, but it is really meant for removal (to chisel away at vinyl).
For a dedicated application tool, I would recommend the 3M PA1-G squeegee:


We used those for putting masking tape on the screen printing platens. Works good!