Hi, I just got my glowforge basic and is going to use it on my leather work. My question is what kind of masking tape you guys put on when doing the lasering? I used up the sample leather with the box and now using regular tape. I found out it was really hard to get rid of the residue when peeling it off, especially for the engrave part. Thanks in advance for good tips.
Search the forum for “masking source;” you’ll get all sorts of options.
I did. But looked like they were talking about masking on other material. I didn’t see anyone specifically said on leather. Hence the question to make sure
It’s the same stuff. I use the same roll for leather as for wood. Mine is medium tack, if that helps.
I rarely even mask my leather–often the adhesive can cause more issues to the finish of the leather than any washing of the soot out of the etched regions or cut edges… (for that I find bit of gentle soap with very soft toothbrush & bit of water works–most leathers dry OK, but always best to test that and mask or no mask first).
But if you want to mask, lower tack is better to minimize affect on the leather…
thanks, now i can go ahead order some.
good advice, thanks. i might use my used toothbrush.
Keep in mind if you get some that masking is pressure activated - so you need to rub it on with something flat to get it to stick. If you don’t it’ll release just seconds before the laser passes over that part Folks recommend getting a plastic knife, but I find the cut edge of a piece of wood works beautifully, as does a credit card in a pinch.
I just ran some tests working with leather last night, both masked and unmasked, the masked sample was a bit easier to clean than the piece that wasn’t, but not by much.
I used some transfer tape that I already had for making vinyl stickers, light to medium tack, worked perfectly and reomval was a breeze.
thank you guys for the help, this is a nice community.
I advise removing that Proofgrade masking before a job. It really sticks to the leather for some reason (unless they finally fixed it) and is almost impossible to get off after a job.
But yeah, what they said. I use medium masking for all of it (if I desire masking).
Even if not doing the front, doing the back will prevent and flash char if your burn is slightly too hot.
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