Maslow, the $350 4' x 8' CNC router

I totally don’t get why they don’t have a forum. I’ve all but begged them to set one up.

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I’m going to put an order in as soon as the Glowforge actually arrives. It looks like fun, and is at the right price point!

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I totally DO get why they do not have a forum.
Although most people in this forum are cordial, there have been a few that use it as an opportunity to vent and troll. I think that there might be a Facebook group but I don’t really participate enough there.
I really appreciate what Glowforge has done by making this forum. It was risky and given some a platform for to whine, but overall it has made me much more engaged.


You are right. If :glowforge: had not set a standard right off and continued with that this place could be being dominated by a different crowd.


Canceled my Origin preorder last month due to tight funds, but that left me over with enough to get the Maslow and still pay the bills. I have a very specific use case for the Origin, so I can still think about getting it, but my Shapeoko might be able to pull it off.

A general lack of communication is one of the reasons I fell out of love with the Origin. Maslow, on the other hand, has been fantastic with weekly updates.


Can the Maslow(or origin) do 3d relief carvings? That is one of my main uses of CNC routers. I haven’t seen much on this from either. I did see that the Maslow will have a z axis add on, but haven’t heard much past that.

In theory, with the Z axis add-on, it can. The problem would be that if it’s a large relief engrave, eventually the carriage wouldn’t sit flat anymore and could get caught on some of the features. But I would imagine it would work for things like lettering and smaller stuff that has large fields of un-engraved area in between.

I think it would be an even bigger problem with the Goliath, since the wheels would get down in any bumps and potentially cause problems.


The Maslow could in theory but I wouldn’t try due to it’s speed and the fact that it drags over your material. The Origin will only do one depth per pass so no on it as well.
I could see doing some lettering with the origin but you would be very limited to the fonts and looks.

For these reasons I would not consider them as an only cnc unless cutting out was my only use case.
As add ons though…

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I’m going with a “no” here. The router is on a float that glides over the surface of the material, and any 3d contours would definitely mess with its ability to do that.

I think the origin would be more capable of 2.5d contours than the maslow, but it would take a small fixture to ensure that the device stays in a parallel plane to the workpiece. I can’t envision something similar for the maslow.

As long as you are happy with one depth per pass yes. For the life of me I can’t figure out why Origin went with a non dynamic Z axis


I’m fairly certain that it’s capable of moving dynamically, once the software is updated to support it. I think I saw somewhere that it was in whatever passes for their hopper.


Oh I’m sure it is in there idea container but upon receiving it…

It’s another level of machining complexity, and might require more massive motors than you would really like.

Could be but I got the impression from my talking with them that it was just a software thing.

Anyway, it is not a problem for me as I’ll just hand any 3d cuts off to my handibot.