I’ve been reading the few posts on this topic, but can’t find an answer.
Is there a way to download my materials library so that I can access the 114 different settings I have, stored over the past 8 years, outside the GF screen ?
I’d like to simplify them, but editing each one after the other is a chore too far !
Any ideas or solutions, anyone ?
sorry, I don’t think there’s currently a way to do it. I’d ask support if they can export it for you.
As for me, I write all my settings in a spreadsheet, and then I only have a few settings saved. They’re pretty much all named for the actual setting, so like:
I also name one named “…scratch”. It always comes first alphabetically, and I use it as a manual setting field for oneoffs. This is to compensate for the boneheaded decision to put the “Manual” option a the bottom, which easily scrolls offscreen.