Millennium Falcon puzzle from lego box

As my 2nd test I decided to see how hard it would be to make a puzzle of the Millennium Falcom out of the box of the set I built over the weekend. It worked the first time and came out better than I expected. Almost no burn marks on the image side and almost all cuts were all the way through with just a few tiny spots I was able to gently pull apart.

video of part of the cutting

The box

cut and put into a box

in progress



I think it’s great that there are some odd and tiny “edge” pieces. Just cut it up and see where the puzzle pieces fall! :stuck_out_tongue:

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What a fantastic idea! Way to recycle!


This is like puzzle-ception! Making a puzzle out of a box that held a puzzle (Lego are kind of like a puzzle). Anyway, great idea!



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Great idea! :star_struck:

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Fun! Fun! Fun! :grinning:

That is one of those great ideas that after you see it you say, "Why didn’t I think of that?"


It has a very 3D-esque look! I’m definitely a fan of this, and it’s a super great idea on recycling. If you were feeling extra cheeky, you could cut up a puzzle box and have a second go at a puzzle :wink:

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Clever! I wonder if you could turn the box into a 3D puzzle. :slight_smile: