More playing with resin

My last couple of resin projects involved engraving into wood then filling with resin. These involved a couple new techniques.

The humming bird was cut out along with the ring. Then a backer circle was glued on to the main ring. Resin was mixed with some coloring powder, poured in, and swirled with a small stick, before finally the bird was placed onto the still liquid resin.
This is my favorite method so far, since it was extremely easy and fast and had some nice results. The entire thing could be accomplished in under 20 minutes if you utilized pre-finished wood.

Scale = 11" diameter

The phoenix is the same design I utilized before, however this was engraved into 3/4" walnut. Then I simply poured the resin on top to fill, also getting it all over the top. Afterwards I ran it through the table saw to trim off the top 1/16" of resin/wood. Finally did a small maple frame and varnished.

This took a lot of time and effort and the end result isn’t really any nicer than my other attempts. But I wanted to try it out so I could fail on a sacrificial project before attempting the technique on something I cared about in the future.

Scale = ~4" x 6"


I really like the resin being flush on the 2nd piece, but that would be a lot of extra work.


I like both of these. Totally different, but both cool.

I love that technique on the hummingbird. I guess you just drop it in and fight the urge to fiddle with it?

Nice techniques, both of them. I love how they came out! And it looks like you put a bit of mica powder in that top one—it really gives a nice iridescent effect.

Great job!

I’ve been buying resin and powder from AC Moore as they were closing in anticipation of doing things like this!

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