Movin' on up

The wife and I argue all the time about colors and highlights in her paintings. Maple looks good. I like contrast. But you don’t have to live with me.


Lookin’ good! Seems like a design that could fairly easily be translated into a Raspberry Pi case or something.

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For the outside button, thinking of something similar to:


That’s great!

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You’re missing one last photo, sitting on the wall :slight_smile:

Well done and glad to see what you’re accomplishing with the GF.

Now, go burn more stuff! :alarm_clock:

Edit: Read from bottom up after posting. Looks great!

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Reminds me of the sign we have at our front door (@marmak3261 has seen this):

It’s only halfway a joke–the doorbell doesn’t ring well and not at all in the basement. Still, it’s pretty funny to hear the UPS man always yell “Ding Dong!” when he drops off a package.


So, thinking about the idea of jazzing up the house via Forgery…

What about light switches?

Doing some amazing work in wood is an easy call. And you can find SO MANY examples online easily.

But, to step it up a notch, what about those LED nightlight outlet covers? It should be easy to hook one of those up to a light switch, and then replace the faceplate with some acrylic, and angle the LEDs to provide you with some edge lighting whenever the lights are off. Maybe put some wood over the edge lit acrylic to ensure only small portions of illumination show through, get a nice predator’s eyes effect on your light in dark rooms or something…


Ooh, I like that idea!
You have been a great help here, the resident physicist - and always have great ideas like this one.
The only reason I can fathom that I was offered a prerelease before you is they want to see what a complete newb can do with one. What is it people like me are going to trip over? A good drop check.


Love this!!! Great post and wonderful application of the power of imagination and Glowforge to turn the blah into hurrah!

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Thank you! I’m very pleased with it. :grin:

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Aww to be a venture capitalist. That would be great. Especially when I see amazing things like glowforge popping up regularly these days. I love what you created and the work you put into it.

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Awesome idea (and successful delivery) for an upgrade!

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